Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. Fall is in the air, fashion week is upon us and we can't wait to celebrate
Fashion's Night Out on Friday with the rest of the world. What a testament to our industry; it's going to be a fabulous night. If you're out and about, don't forget to stop by
Fragments where we will be offering an exlusive first look (and pre order opportunities) of
Melissa Joy Manning's jewelry collection for Doo.Ri. Straight off the runway, these pieces won't be available to the public until February 2011. So - come check it out on Friday, 6-8pm at Fragments, 116 Prince Street. I look forward to seeing you!
On another note, I am very excited to introduce you to one of Fragments' newest and freshest fashion jewelery designers, Millianna. Arianna & Sharmilla, the talent behind the collection, are sincere, fresh faced, eager and exquisite designers. The look is edgy, exciting, new and wearable. The jewels are comfortable and chic, seriously fashion forward and perfect to take you from day to night. I LOVE to wear their magnetic chunky beaded cuffs - they are so statement making and work so well with my collection of Miguel Ases earrings. What a perfect pair. Millianna does layered necklaces that are must-haves, amazing bold earrings and so much more.
Check out what they have to say about their favorite jewelry designers, their greatest indulgences, their heroes and much more...

1. What is your greatest indulgence?
Arianna: Twinkies. Definitely Twinkies.
Sharmilla: I'm a shoe whore.
2. Tell me your biggest fear.
A: Not taking enough risks in life and ending up with regrets.
S: I'm afraid of water--I can't swim!!!
3. Your favorite red carpet moment of all time?
A: I don't really have a favorite red carpet moment, but I thought Angelina Jolie looked quite stunning last year with those emerald earrings.
S: Jennifer Lopez in the green Versace dress from years ago.
4. Your most treasured piece of jewelry, and why?
A: It's a bracelet my mom gave me when I graduated from highschool. It's a silver filigree art deco piece set with aquamarine stones and it used to belong to my great-grandmother.
S: The rose gold Indian bangles my grandmother gave me when I was 5 years old. I've been wearing them ever since, so I can't even take them off!
5. White gold, yellow gold or mix it all up?
A & S: Mix it all up!
6. Who is your favorite fictional character?
A: Hmmm... that's a hard one because I love to read. Right now I'd have to say it's Ken Follet's, Ellen, from The Pillars of the Earth, beautifully played by Natalia Worner in the series that just aired. I read the book years ago and loved how strong she was. She defies authority to stay true to her values, fiercely defends her son and makes medicines out of herbs. Of course she's declared a witch and is forced to live on the outskirts of her village, but she remains a source of strength for many in the story. I always love the independent outcasts!
S: Ada, played by Holly Hunter in, The Piano. She was strong and bore a lot of brutality but triumphed in the end.
7. Your greatest love is…
A: Family and friends.
S: My beautiful, handsome son, Joshua.
8. Who is your hero?
A: I would have to say a hero of mine would be my great-grandmother Renata Biancheri (from where my bracelet comes). She wore pants and cut her hair in the 1920's before everyone else did. She was in a bar with her girlfriends when a group of officers walked in. She pointed to the most handsome one and told her friends that she would be married to him within 6 months. They were married in two, and that was my great-grandfather. She started her own costume company which became a success. She was not an easy person, but she was she was determined and fearless. I love that and when I get scared, I try to conjure up her spirit!
S: I don't really have a hero, but I admire a lot a people. :)
9. Who is your favorite jewelry designer? (other than yourself)
A: How could you just have one?
S: I have a love for Cartier.
10. Who do you most admire, alive or deceased?
A: I admire my parents. It sounds corny, but they're the most dependable, supportive and honest people I know. I admire Elena Kagan for being simultaneously accomplished and charming. I very much admire Jeffrey Sachs. I read his book, The End of Poverty and it changed everything I thought I knew about the poor in developing countries.
S: My grandmother--my mom's mom. She was super feisty and a warrior. Very strong and willful and I remember she would only wear the color, blue. My mom always says I take after her.
11. Your favorite movie?
A: I loved Elizabeth.
S: The Departed, Dangerous Liasons, A Room With A View...I could go on...
12. Newspapers & magazines: print or online?
A & S: We're old school--we love print!
13. Your favorite ice cream flavor?
S: Coffee
A: Pralines and cream.
14. Facebook or Twitter?
A: I don't have anything important enough to tweet about. Definitely Facebook.
S: I have no time to be tweeting! Facebook only!
15. Style icon?
A: Madonna is an unending style icon.
S: Catherine Deneuve, especially in The Hunger.
16. If you could design a piece of jewelry right now, based on your current mood and surroundings, what would it be?
A: Well, considering I'm in WA state right now staring out at a bunch of trees, it would probably be a casting of a branch!
S: I'm not sure, but it would definitely be something very '80's inspired incorporating Tunisian detailing.
17. Black or white?
A: Black!
S: Both!
18. The best part of New York City is...
A: The constant movement and energy. I love the diversity. And the restaurants!!!
S: For me it's downtown and visiting Soho.
19. Tell me your greatest asset and your biggest flaw.
A: I think it's that I'm both right and left brained. My biggest flaw is that I'm both right and left brained. :)
S: My asset is that I'm very detail-oriented, and my biggest flaw is that I'm constantly constantly reworking my designs in the pursuit of perfection!
20. If you could have any piece from Fragments, what would it be?
A: I love Deanna Hamro's collection--it's brilliant. Her chain-link necklace with dangling crystal balls is amazing!
S: I'd take a pair or two of Miguel Ases earrings--they're beautiful!
Millianna jewels will be available on Fragments.com in the next couple of weeks, but for now check out their website: Millianna Design. Enjoy!